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Crystal Vision

The Tree … having grown through the force of time, literally forged by the transformative nature of fire … to finally bloom in all its healing splendor … representing the power of precious stones and healing crystals.


The Roots … deeply rooted in the healing presence of amethyst, coupled with the energy and logic of obsidian, it holds space for safety and soul grounding. 

Amethyst … with connection to spiritual and divine beings carries the energy of fire and passion …  of creativity and spirituality … yet it bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.

Obsidian … a powerful tool for protection … grounding and deep-set healing … pivotal toward providing stability necessary for transformation to occur ~ presenting itself in a myriad of ways making it perfect for the human uniqueness of all.


The Structure … growing forth from powerful roots, the multifaceted, rare, and beautiful Smokey Quartz stands in regal presence … Imbued with celestial vibrations, its spiritual meaning represents grounding, letting go, and surrendering old wounds to support rising above challenging circumstances and experiencing. This renews and revitalizes to begin anew … awakened … and reborn.


Healing Gifts … supported by the deep roots of amethyst and obsidian presence … informed by the strength and resilience of the smoky quartz trunk … the tree reaches its multitude of branches toward the heavens … heavily laden … full of emerald jewels … ready to be chosen and utilized as healing gifts for humanity.

Emerald is said to be a symbol of spiritual awareness, protection, love, and wisdom. ... a conveyor of hope … a stone that embodies patience and compassion, while enhancing mental clarity and focus …  promoting harmony … inspiring a deeper knowledge of one’s self … strengthening connection to Divine Love, and sustaining one in their spiritual journey.

The healing properties of emeralds allow for the flow of universal blessings …  true abundance …  and the ability to receive gifts of Spirit within all of life’s experiences while embracing its manifestations with gratitude.


 … power and truth resonate in this vision, imparting a deep sense of knowing for those who will find this healing place … who will resonate with this experience … and who will want to be with the pure, wondrous, warm, powerful, loving, embracing energy found through the healing work of this practice … 


The very fabric of our stories creates the intricate design of our personal tapestries … those shimmering threads full of knowledge and experience have led to this specific moment in time … we have been brought together on our earthly journeys for a reason … I welcome and embrace the connection ~

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